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体育 & 现场娱乐竞技场

气候承诺竞技场, 位于西雅图中心, 一个完全重建的历史地标吗, 最初是为1962年西雅图世界博览会而建的. 这是业界首创, including being the first Zero Carbon Certified arena in the world though the International Living Future Institute (ILFI). The Arena has also achieved LEED Silver certification under LEED v4 for BD+C: New Construction and Major Renovation project. 这座球馆是美国国家冰球联盟西雅图海妖队的主场, WNBA西雅图风暴队, 以及世界上最大的现场音乐和活动表演者.

气候承诺竞技场 serves as a long-lasting and regular reminder of the urgent need for climate action. 气候承诺, 它是由亚马逊和全球乐观主义于2019年成立的, is a commitment from companies globally to be net zero carbon by 2040.

气候承诺竞技场 is an example of how sustainable design meets sustainable operations. This transformational project is the most significant private investment in Pacific Northwest sports and entertainment history. 合作, Oak View Group and the City of Seattle set out to reimagine and redevelop an arena constructed under an historic landmarked roof 最初是为1962年西雅图世界博览会而建的 and inspired by a Coast Salish rainhat. 开业至今(2021年10月), 竞技场已收集+250,000 gallons of rainwater from the very rain inspired roof to create some of the greenest ice in the NHL.

操作上, 竞技场轨道, 措施, and offsets all carbon emissions associated with Arena operations. 气候承诺竞技场 has several other sustainability goals that influence Arena operations, 其中有几个以浪费为中心. 场馆可持续发展目标包括:

    1. 将95%的活动产生的废物从垃圾填埋场转移出去
    - Over the last 22 months, the Arena successfully held a +90% diversion rate, averaging 93%
    2. 消除购买的一次性塑料扇面
    - 2023年10月完成
    -没有可填埋的物品购买面向风扇, 所有耐用的器皿都是可回收或可堆肥的
    3. Food Sourcing: the Arena attempts to source 75% of all food ingredients within a 300-mi radius of the building; currently achieving greater than 60%.

除了 to the goals above the Arena provides free public transit on 6 different transit systems for all staff and all fans for every publicly ticketed event. Each ticket into the building allows fans to access via our CPA/Kraken app a free public transit pass starting two hours before doors open until two hours after our event concludes, a key strategy to reduce one of our largest sources of carbon emissions.

达到我们的远大废物目标, 竞技场请来了合作伙伴WM, Pritchard 体育 and Entertainment and 特拉华州北部 to assist in the Arena meeting these waste-related sustainability goals. WM, 竞技场的回收和堆肥运输车, not only hauls materials away post every event but aids the Arena with all waste related data collection. WM serves as the Arenas third party waste data verifier to ensure all numbers related to Arena waste operations are accurate.

Pritchard 体育 and Entertainment acts as an extension of the Arena’s Housekeeping team and specializes in providing top-notch cleaning services for sports and entertainment venues. 除了, Pritchard 体育 and Entertainment conducts on-site sorting at 气候承诺竞技场 to ensure each and every material generated at any Arena event is diverted to the correct waste stream.

特拉华州北部, the Arena’s food and beverage partner played a pivotal role in simplifying the Arena’s procurement and assisting in the elimination of single use plastic fan facing for purchase around the Arena’s marketplaces. 特拉华州北部 also assists the arena in procuring food ingredients within a 300-mile radius of the building further reducing carbon emissions associated with food and beverage deliveries.

除了数据管理和现场整理, much of the success of the Arena’s zero waste operation is due to simplifying the Arena’s supply chain. The Arena recognizes that what is purchased must be properly disposed of. 截至2023年10月, the Arena has not only eliminated all single use plastic for purchase fan facing but have also eliminated all landfillable items for purchase fan facing. All food and beverage options for purchase at 气候承诺竞技场 are either recyclable or compostable.

除了 to our partners, fan education played a large role in amplifying Arena waste operations. Although every event at 气候承诺竞技场 is a zero-waste event, the Arena has worked with tours such as Billie Eilish and Depeche Mode on holding special zero waste shows to further educate fans on the impact waste has on the environment and how they can do their part not only in the Arena but in their communities.

“What we have been able to accomplish through our zero waste operations and beyond proves that sports and live entertainment has its role to play in combating the climate crisis”, 布里安娜说, Director of Sustainability for the Seattle Kraken and 气候承诺竞技场.

“When your arena is named after a cause not a corporation you have a unique responsibility to live up to those values. What we’ve been able to achieve with our partners WM and Pritchard at 气候承诺竞技场, 北美最繁忙的竞技场之一, is proof positive of our commitment to leave the world better than how we found it,罗布·约翰逊说, SVP of Sustainability for the Seattle Kraken and 气候承诺竞技场.

了解更多关于气候承诺竞技场的信息 关注你的废物视频 和他们的 可持续性的页面.